Gus Hurwitz on HSR Premerger Notifications

National Review View Original Source

National Review Capital Matters – ICLE Director of Law & Economics Programs Gus Hurwitz was cited by National Review Capital Matters in a story about proposed changed to the premerger notification rules called for under the Hart-Scott-Rodino (HSR) Act of 1976. You can read full piece here.

The additional regulatory burden alone would cost more than the FTC and Justice Department’s combined 2023 antitrust budgets, according to former law professor Gus Hurwitz. And as the FTC increases the amount of paperwork to be submitted, the time it takes for the agencies to review initial HSR filings will increase as well. All this extra attention to pre-merger filings would take away resources from other agency priorities, such as litigation and consumer protection. The costs to the private sector would be even larger.