George Mocsary on Missouri v Biden

Cowboy State Daily – ICLE Academic Affiliate George Mocsary was quoted by Cowboy State Daily in a story about a federal court decision in the case Missouri v Biden. You can read full piece here.

George Mocsary, a First Amendment expert and University of Wyoming law professor, said he had no idea why Wyoming wasn’t invited into the lawsuit.

Wyoming’s exclusion probably had nothing to do with forum shopping, Mocsary added, noting that even if Wyoming had joined the case, the plaintiffs still could have chosen to file it in the U.S. District Court of Western Louisiana, as they did.

Doughty is a Trump-appointed judge who struck down vaccine mandates for federally employed preschool workers and a federal masking mandate for the preschoolers in November 2022. He called the administrative mandates “tyranny” at the time.

Sweeping Injunction 

But Mocsary noted the breadth of Doughty’s order, saying it sends a clear message.

“By issuing such a broad order, the court is effectively saying that the executive branch can’t be trusted, based on its past actions, to make any ‘suggestions’ to social media platforms,” said Mocsary. “It’s shown that it can’t be trusted not to cross the line into improper coercion.”