Sam Bowman on the FTC’s case against Facebook

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Sam Bowman on Antitrust Legislation

Reason – ICLE Director of Competition Policy Sam Bowman was quoted by Reason in a story about major antitrust legislation passed by the U.S. House Judiciary . . .

R.J. Lehmann on global insurance broking

S&P Global Market Intelligence – ICLE Editor-in-Chief R.J. Lehmann was quoted by S&P Global Market Intelligence on the U.S. Department of Justice’s challenge of the pending merger . . .

R.J. Lehmann on the Aon-Willis merger

Insurance Journal – ICLE Editor-in-Chief R.J. Lehmann was quoted by Insurance Journal on the U.S. Department of Justice’s challenge of the pending merger between insurance brokers . . .

Sam Bowman on the ACCESS Act

The Open Market Blog – ICLE Director of Competition Policy Sam Bowman was cited by The Open Market Blog in a post about the Augmenting Compatibility . . .