Lazar Radic on the EU DMA

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Lazar Radic on the EU DMA

Washington Examiner – ICLE Senior Scholar Lazar Radic was quoted by the Washington Examiner in a story comparing the EU’s new Digital Markets Act with proposed . . .

ICLE on New York v Facebook – An article in cited the amicus brief ICLE filed with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in the case of . . .

ICLE on Florida’s HB 9

Sarasota Observer – An op-ed in the Sarasota Observer cited a legislative checklist produced jointly by ICLE and the Reason Foundation to help guide state lawmakers . . .

Kristian Stout on 5.9 GHz Spectrum

Frequency Pulse – ICLE Director of Innovation Policy Kristian Stout was quoted in Frequency Pulse, the newsletter of Wi-Fi Forward. You can read full newsletter here. . . .

Dirk Auer on Closed Platforms

Creators Syndicate – ICLE Director of Competition Policy Dirk Auer was cited by columnist Veronique de Rugy for a piece distributed by Creators Syndicate about legislative . . .

Ian Adams on the 5.9 GHz Order

Communications Daily – ICLE Executive Director Ian Adams was quoted by Communications Daily in a story about the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit’s . . .