Ben Sperry on the NetChoice Cases

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ICLE Senior Scholar Ben Sperry was quoted by Tech Policy Press in a story about the U.S. Supreme Court’s opinions in NetChoice LLC v. Paxton and Moody v. NetChoice LLC. You can read the full piece here.

Ben Sperry, Senior Scholar, The International Center for Law & Economics (ICLE)

“The Supreme Court today vindicated the First Amendment in a pair of online speech cases involving challenges brought by NetChoice to state platform-moderation laws enacted in Florida and Texas. While lower courts will need to sort out the constitutionality of these laws, this fundamental truth is clear: the First Amendment does not allow the government to compel private actors like social-media platforms to carry speech. The marketplace of ideas is best protected when private actors are free to participate through setting their own moderation policies without government interference. As we argued in our amicus brief, the social-media companies, not bureaucrats or courts, are best-positioned to balance the speech interests of their users.”

Read the full statement here.