David Balto

David Balto is an attorney with the Law Offices of David Balto in Washington, D.C., specializing in competition policy. He also serves as vice chair of the American Bar Association (ABA) Antitrust Section’s Federal Civil Enforcement Committee.

He was previously a senior fellow with the Center for American Progress and a partner with White & Case LLP and then Robins Kaplan LLP. He spent nine years with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) as an attorney in the Office of Planning and Evaluation, an attorney-advisor to then-FTC Chairman Robert Pitofsky, and as assistant director for policy and evaluation in the Bureau of Competition.

He started his career as a senior attorney with Sutherland, Ashbill and Brennan before moving to the U.S. Justice Department, first as a special assistant U.S. attorney in the District of Columbia and then as a trial attorney in the Antitrust Division.

David received his bachelor’s from the University of Minnesota, and his JD from Northeastern University School of Law.